Virtual Stroke Lab
The Virtual Stroke Lab is an interactive science lab created in Flash. As of January 1st, 2021 Flash was retired and is no longer supported by Internet browsers. The lab is still available in two modified forms: (1) The original Flash lab is available unchanged but now must be downloaded onto your computer and run as a stand-alone executable program. That is the fully interactive version. (2) There is also a video version (an .mp4 file) where you will watch a person going through the entire lab, click-by-click. By pausing the video to read all the text and to examine all images and activities, you will have a very similar experience to doing the lab yourself. Detailed instructions follow below. [NOTE: The video tutorials for students are most important for those doing the standalone version of the original lab. For those using the video version, the navigation decisions are made for you so learning how to navigate the lab is less important.]
Dr. Ajeet Gordhan: Medical consultant Kevin Stewart: Animations, Artwork, Programming, Audio/Video Engineering, Design Elisa Palmer: Author, Storyboards |
Darci Harland: Author, storyboards David Leech Anderson: Author, Storyboards Barbara Meyer: Storyboards |
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In this virtual experience, you become a neuroradiologist. You are paged to an emergency room where patient, who may be the victim of a stroke, awaits diagnosis. Then you consult with the patient's history and check to see if he has any of the risk factors for stroke. A decision then has to be made about what diagnostic procedures are required. Primary and secondary diagnostic tests must be ordered and the results interpreted. The patient has an aneurysm, and then you get to decide what life-saving procedure to perform; to clip or coil. While completing this virtual lab, you'll learn about the risk factors for stroke, stroke symptoms, causes of stroke, purpose of diagnostic tests, types of strokes (ischemic and hemorrhagic), treatment options, and the importance of technology in diagnostic medicine. |
Introductory Materials
Audio/Video Engineering: Darci J. Harland |
Video Introduction (For Teachers Only)
This is a 7 minute video introduction to The Mind Project's Stroke Lab to give teachers an overview. We don't recommend that students watch this video -- it gives away too many of the fun parts of the lab. Better that they discover them on their own.
Video Summary of the Virtual Stroke Lab (7 Minute .mp4 Video)
Video Tutorial #1: Navigating the Stroke Lab (For Students & Teachers)
This tutorial gives an introduction to the virtual lab interface as well as tips on navigating through the rooms in the virtual hospital.
Tutorial #1: Navigating The Stroke Lab (6 minute .mp4 video)
Script of Tutorial #1: Navigating The Stroke Lab (.pdf file)
Video Tutorial #2: Science Overview for the Stroke Lab (For Students & Teachers)
This tutorial provides students with some background about stroke symptoms, risk factors for stroke, types of strokes, as well as a brief introduction to the use of radiological exams to diagnose strokes. We suggest that all students and teachers view this tutorial before beginning the virtual lab. A pdf with the text of the narration is available.
Tutorial #2: Science Overview of the Stroke Lab 11 minute .mp4 video)
Script of Tutorial #2: Science Overview of the Stroke Lab (.pdf file)
Virtual Stroke Lab
THE VIRTUAL STROKE LAB - Downloadable Flash Version
Since FLASH is no longer being supported by Internet browsers you must download a stand-alone version of the lab that will run in a separate Flash window. NOTE: Even after downloading, internet connectivity is still required to view certain webpages that are part of the lab. Those pages will be launched in your native web browser when clicked on within the Flash player.
The Virtual Stroke Lab (Downloadable Flash Version)
This is an immersive virtual science lab. Regardless of how this lab is to be used with students, it is important that the instructor become proficient in working through the lab so that students can be given some direction if they get stuck.
The lab has a special feature which allows users to "skip" ahead to two different locations in the lab. Instructors who plan to have students complete the lab over a series of class sessions can have students stop part way through the first day, and then all students can "skip" to where they left off to begin day two. Instructors should familiarize themselves with the two "jump" points and pick the most suitable. This jump feature is also helpful for presentations and discussions of the lab.
For those users who are unable to or choose not to download the offline version of the lab (see "Downloadable Flash Version" above) we have created a video version of the lab.
In this video version you will watch a person going through the entire lab, click-by-click. The video is designed with no pauses for time to read the text. That gives you full control. Pause the video each time a new screen appears. Read the text, pay careful attention to any activities, and review the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) entries in the pdf (see link below) whenever you can't answer one of the questions. If you do all of that, you will have a very similar experience to doing the interactive Flash version of the lab.
Material for Teachers
Audio/Video Engineering & Text Author: Darci J. Harland |
Professional Development Tutorial (For Teachers Only)
This Professional Development for Teachers tutorial provides support for teachers who are considering implementing The Virtual Stroke Lab with their students. The tutorial is equivalent to the introductory training we offer in our face-to-face workshops. It contains tips for using the lab with students, objectives aligned with state and national standards, and references to supplementary materials currently available. It provides an overview of the student experience as well as what content is covered in the lab, so that teachers can decide where in their curriculum the lab may best fit. Spoiler Alert: The video contains answers that should not be seen by students. (Length: 20 minutes)
Professional Development Video Tutorial for Teachers (22 Minute .mp4 Video)
Text Script of Professional Development Video Tutorial (pdf file)
The Stroke Lab Professional Development Manual
This pdf provides teachers with a detailed introduction to the lab, pedagogical goals and tips, national science standards, screen captures of the virtual lab itself with additional teaching tips not found on the website. Additionally, there supplementary handouts that teachers can copy for students to use.
This manual was created for face-to-face teacher workshops organized by The Mind Project. We post all resources provided at our workshops here on our website to support teachers even if they have not attended one of our workshops.
Stroke Lab Professional Development Manual (53 page / 12mg / pdf)
PDF (Printable) Version of EMR (Electronic Medical Record)
The EMR (Electronic Medical Record) is the electronic encyclopedia embedded in the Virtual Stroke Lab that has all of the scientific content that is needed to complete the lab. This is a printable version for use by teachers and students so that the content can be accessed without going into the lab itself.
Student Handout for The Stroke Lab
This document contains a handout that can be distributed for students to fill out as they complete The Virtual Stroke Lab. This file contains both the student handout as well as the answer key. This handout is only meant as a supplement for students who are completing the lab outside of class time or with an adult who has never completed the lab. Its purpose is to make sure students walk away from the lab, with the important big ideas. However, the lab was designed to stand on its own, without any additional “paper work” for students to complete. If your students are completing the lab during class time, this handout is not necessary since you can focus their learning and help them to stay on task.
Doctor's Notes
The Doctor's Notes document lists all the entries that students will see in their doctor's notes by the time they complete the lab. This should not be given to students, but is meant as a resource for teachers.
Funding: This module was funded by a Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) #R25RR020425, supported by the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).