Knight Rover Dev Page

We want to express our thanks to John Barker (author of the "ProtoThinker" software) for purchasing all of the robots for the 2017 Team and to the Illinois State IT and Technology Departments for purchasing the robots for the 2018 Team.

Knight Rover Team 1 (Spring, 2017)

Student Team Members
Kevin Dalle (Senior in IT/Computer Science, Illinois State University)
Vivek Abraham (7th Grade, Evans Junior High)
Tucker Carlson-Huber (8th Grade, Thomas Metcalf Laboratory School)
Project Mentors
John Kuk (BS 2000, MBA 2017, Illinois State University)
Eric Thill (BS 2010, Illinois State University)
Dr. David Anderson (Emeritus Philosophy Professor, ISU & Director, The Mind Project)

Knight Rover Team 2 (Spring, 2018)

Student Team Members
Illinois State Undergraduates
Ben Dworkin
Josh Katz
Hoang Le
Jim Medrano
Ben Roussin   
Mitch Russell
Matt Stam
Hammad Syed
Kevin Dalle (BS 2017, Illinois State University)
K-12 Students
Tucker Carlson-Huber (9th Grade, University High School, Normal, IL)
Vivek Abraham (8th Grade, Dallas, TX)
Project Mentors
John Kuk (BS 2000, MBA 2017, Illinois State University)
Eric Thill (BS 2010, Illinois State University)
Dr. David Anderson (Emeritus Philosophy Professor, ISU & Director, The Mind Project)